Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Old Nuclear Subs? - we have 17 going cheap...

So finally the British Submarines will be cut up? Not at all a sure thing. 17 are sitting at dock waiting for someone to come up with a cunning plan... those, like me who would welcome nuclear submarines for Oz because it makes sense operationally, would need to consider what might need to be done about storage when such submarines are finally decommisioned. One option is burial of the reactors in the desert. If this was an option, why not take the UK sub's nuclear compartments too, and bury them in Oz. This would be at a fee, and a hefty one that will bring long-term revenue, and allow storage in what is a gologically stable continent, with a politically stable system of government. Not a new idea but it has merit.....

1 comment:

  1. See also, "How to Build A Nuclear Submarine (Full)" on Youtube....
